Recherché par:
Le chemin de Compostelle à vélo - de Porto, sur la côte atlantique
Chemin de Compostelle
Lieu de départ:
Prix à partir de:
1850€ pour personne
Le camino à vélo, le chemin de Saint-Jacques : Un circuit à vélo dans le Camino de Santiago de Compostela à partir de Porto, par les côtes du Minho et de la Galice.
8 jours, 7 nuits
500 › 800 m, moyenne journalière
40 › 65 km, moyenne journalière
Type de vélo
Vélo électrique, Vélo de montagne, Vélo de randonnée
Expert, Intermédiaire

Points forts:

Résumé du tour

The coastal variation of the Portuguese Camino will take you from Porto to Santiago de Compostela on a bike tour by the medieval and romanic cities of the north of Portugal and Galiza.

Always accompanied by the ocean, this is a less demanding ride than the Central Camino but an equally rewarding one as you'll visit the coastal medieval towns and villages of Vila do Conde, Póvoa do Varzim, Viana do Castelo and Vigo, just before you join the central route in Redondela to continue the route to Santiago.

Cycling the camino is an epic journey turned bike tour, a pilgrimage that started in the 9th Century with the discovery, in Galiza, of the remains of St. James. In 1325, the Portuguese queen Isabel made a pilgrimage to Santiago following a route very similar to the one that today is marked with yellow arrows, crossing the then recently built Barcelos bridge; Now it’s your time to trail the Way of St James.

Start cycling the Camino in the city of Porto, settled in the 4th century during the roman occupation, visit its UNESCO world heritage sites and its unique traditions, architecture, port wines and cellars. Riding the Way of St James, you'll feel like a citizen of the world, where several languages are spoken as one, passing through amazing medieval villages like Ponte de Lima, Barcelos and Valença, with typical traces from the northern Portuguese architecture and art.

The portuguese way of St James is made of trails and dirt tracks, ancient roman roads, municipal roads and even alongside modern roads. It’s of an enormous diversity and there’s always a surprise on every bend. Immerse in the scenario of Minho and Galicia, while cycling the Camino, the roads and trails of the woodland areas, small villages and “pueblos” that still seem to be in the Middle Ages. Enjoy this regions’ gastronomy, rich in variety and flavor, a true feast for your senses. Taste the Port and Green wines, so typical of the Minho region and stay in some of the best hotels in the Way of St James. Arrive in Santiago de Compostela, designated UNESCO world heritage site and admire the shrine of Saint James at the end of your pilgrimage.

Écoutez nos clients

Tour de vélo étonnant

Live Love Ride - Portugal Bike Tours a dépassé toutes les attentes de notre voyage dans l'Alentejo et la région de ...

Nicole C., USA

Aimé chaque seconde !

Faire du VTT était incroyable. C'était à la fois stimulant et gratifiant. J'ai adoré les différents terrains et les vues remarquables. ...

Kelly H., USA


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Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto - copy
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto - copy
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto - copy
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto - copy - copy
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto - copy - copy
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto - copy
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto - copy - copy
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto - copy - copy
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto - copy - copy
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto - copy - copy - copy
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto - copy - copy - copy
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Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto - copy
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto - copy
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto - copy
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto - copy - copy
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto - copy - copy
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto - copy
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto - copy - copy
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto - copy - copy
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto - copy - copy
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto - copy - copy - copy
Bike Tour in the Portuguese Camino - By the Coast, from Porto - copy - copy - copy
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Au jour le jour:

Ce que vous vivrez au quotidien

Jour 1 : Arrivée et transfert depuis l’aéroport de Porto

Prise en charge à l’aéroport et transfert à l’hôtel choisi pour la nuit, toujours situé au bord du Douro, véritable carte postale vivante de la ville. Profitez de votre après-midi libre pour explorer la magnifique et chaleureuse ville de Porto, riche en histoire et en monuments tels que la Tour des Clérigos et le Pont Dom Luis. Flânez dans les vieux quartiers de la Baixa avec ses boutiques locales, restaurants et pâtisseries, ou à Ribeira, un quartier au bord du Douro face aux caves de vin de Porto, qui regorge de traditions et d’une connexion historique avec le vin et la région viticole du Douro. Explorez également les zones commerçantes comme Santa Catarina et l’Avenue des Aliados. Ne manquez pas les excellents restaurants locaux, qui servent quelques-uns des plats les plus savoureux du pays.
Hôtel : Vincci Porto ou Vincci Ponte de Ferro (option premium).

Jour 2 : Cyclisme sur le Camino : Porto – Ofir (65 km, 465 m de dénivelé accumulé)

Après le petit-déjeuner, vous commencerez votre aventure en traversant la ville de Porto depuis votre hôtel. Vous descendrez par la Sé Velha et la rue Mouzinho da Silveira jusqu’aux rives du Douro, en empruntant les pistes cyclables le long du fleuve jusqu’à Leça da Palmeira. À partir de là, vous suivrez les flèches jaunes le long de la côte portugaise, en direction du nord. Le Camino sera un mélange de pistes cyclables, routes pavées et passerelles jusqu’à la ville historique de Vila do Conde et la station balnéaire de Póvoa de Varzim – deux options idéales pour déjeuner. Après Póvoa de Varzim, continuez à travers de petits villages de pêcheurs jusqu’à Fão, où vous tournerez à gauche vers l’océan et la forêt de pins d’Ofir, où vous passerez la nuit.
Hôtel : Axis Ofir (option premium : chambre surclassée).

Jour 3 : Cyclisme sur le Camino : Ofir – Caminha (59 km, 562 m de dénivelé accumulé)

Après le petit-déjeuner, commencez votre journée en roulant vers le nord, en traversant le fleuve jusqu’à Esposende, puis le long du Cávado. Continuez à travers les charmants villages du nord du Portugal. Au 15e kilomètre, vous commencerez une montée et emprunterez un sentier technique, jusqu’à un pont étroit traversant le Neiva. Une nouvelle montée vous mènera à Viana do Castelo, où vous pourrez apercevoir l’église Santa Luzia perchée sur une montagne. Le centre historique de la ville est parfait pour un déjeuner et une visite. Après Viana, roulez vers le nord à l’intérieur des terres, en passant par des single tracks urbains et d’anciens chemins pavés, avant d’arriver à Vila Praia de Âncora. De là, suivez l’Ecopista jusqu’à votre hôtel pour la nuit.
Hôtel : Porta do Sol ou Palacete Villa Idalina (option premium).

Jour 4 : Cyclisme sur le Camino : Caminha – Baiona (38 km, 468 m de dénivelé accumulé)

Quittez Caminha en ferry (un départ par heure, sauf le lundi) pour rejoindre A Guarda, en Espagne. Cette journée sans grandes ascensions alterne montées et descentes jusqu’à Baiona, une belle ville côtière. Profitez des villages médiévaux le long de la côte galicienne et dégustez des tapas et fruits de mer. Faites une pause déjeuner à Baiona, admirez la ville et reposez-vous au Parador local, situé près de la marina. Une journée courte mais agréable, parfaite pour se préparer à l’étape la plus difficile du lendemain.
Hôtel : Parador Baiona (option premium : chambre surclassée).

Jour 5 : Cyclisme sur le Camino : Baiona – Vigo – Pontevedra (65 km, 1140 m de dénivelé accumulé)

Ce sera peut-être l’étape la plus difficile de votre Camino ! Après le petit-déjeuner, partez en direction de Vigo, à 25 km. Vous affronterez une courte mais raide montée vers Saigráns, où vous découvrirez une vue magnifique sur la Ria de Vigo et les îles Ciés, un parc naturel dans l’océan Atlantique. Descendez ensuite dans la ville animée de Vigo, puis remontez vers une chaîne de montagnes surplombant la Ria de Vigo. Roulez sur 12 km de chemins de macadam avant une descente vers Redondela. De là, les Caminos central et côtier convergent. Une montée supplémentaire près de Cessantes précède une longue descente vers Pontevedra. Explorez le centre historique de la ville à pied, en visitant ses places et monuments.
Hôtel : Parador de Pontevedra (option premium : chambre surclassée).

Jour 6 : Cyclisme sur le Camino : Pontevedra – Padrón (41 km, 550 m de dénivelé accumulé)

Après le petit-déjeuner, continuez votre pèlerinage, en sentant que Santiago se rapproche. En quittant la côte, le paysage change pour laisser place aux forêts et bois verdoyants de l’intérieur de la Galice. Votre hôtel est situé à Padrón, connu pour ses célèbres poivrons verts. Prenez le temps de visiter le village, de grimper au belvédère de Santiaguiño do Monte, et d'explorer les jardins botaniques ou la cascade de Toxa.
Hôtel : Pazo de Lestrove ou Os Lambráns (option premium).

Jour 7 : Cyclisme sur le Camino : Padrón – Santiago de Compostela (28 km, 475 m de dénivelé accumulé)

Après le petit-déjeuner, commencez la dernière étape de votre Chemin de Saint-Jacques. La route monte dès le départ, traversant des villages et des églises qui annoncent la fin du pèlerinage. À votre arrivée, visitez la cathédrale de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle, point final de votre chemin. Découvrez les places, marchés et rues étroites de cette ville millénaire.
Hôtel : San Francisco Hotel Monumento ou Parador de Santiago de Compostela / Quinta da Auga (options premium).

Jour 8 : Transfert vers Porto

Après le petit-déjeuner et le check-out, transfert de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle à l’aéroport de Porto.


Où vous roulerez

Type de terrain:

Où tu rouleras

Ce circuit propose un mélange de routes côtières et intérieures, avec douces collines, courtes montées et descentes fluides. Les premières étapes suivent des pistes cyclables et des routes pavées le long de la côte portugaise, avant de passer à des sentiers plus techniques et anciens en entrant en Espagne. Les cyclistes traverseront une variété de surfaces, y compris des chemins de macadam, des sentiers forestiers et des ponts romains, avec des points forts tels que les ascensions surplombant la Ria de Vigo et les sentiers verdoyants de l'intérieur de la Galice. Le terrain équilibre défis modérés et vues à couper le souffle, parfait pour les cyclistes recherchant une expérience dynamique et riche culturellement sur le Camino.

Options de ce tour:

Choisissez comment vous voulez vivre ce tour



disponible tous les jours; tour privé, minimum de deux personnes


disponible tous les jours; tour privé, minimum de quatre personnes


disponible tous les jours; tour privé, minimum de quatre personnes


Réservez le voyage d'une vie









Réduction de groupe:




Tours à vélo en groupe:

Rejoignez ce tour à vélo en groupe avec d'autres cyclistes, aux dates suivantes
Dates de groupe disponibles:
disponible tous les jours; tour privé, minimum de quatre personnes

Demander un itinéraire détaillé

Nous créons des expériences extraordinaires et faites sur mesure pour répondre à tous vos besoins, avec chaque point de chaque jour conçu exactement comme vous le souhaitez.
Télécharger l’itinéraire

Options de ce tour:

Choisissez comment vous voulez vivre ce tour


disponible tous les jours; tour privé, minimum de deux personnes
à partir de 1850€ par personne
Cliquez pour voir ce qui est inclus


disponible tous les jours; tour privé, minimum de quatre personnes
à partir de 2190€ par personne
Cliquez pour voir ce qui est inclus


disponible tous les jours; tour privé, minimum de quatre personnes
à partir de 3740€ par personne
Cliquez pour voir ce qui est inclus

Pourquoi Live Love Ride ?

Contactez-nous par e-mail, skype or téléphone pour plus d’informations.
Private rides:

If you are looking for a different, exclusive experience, you can make this ride private for your group. Just choose any open trip date, get your group together and contact us to know the private trip listing.

Customized rides

If you represent a group and want to schedule a different date than the ones listed, we are available to customize this and other experiences to better suit your needs and availability. Please contact us for more information.

Our team is composed of portuguese tourist guides and bike riders, in love with our country and proud to present the best landscapes, gastronomy, history, culture and experiences to anyone who chooses to ride in Portugal.

For the last five years, our team has been involved in the making of over 200 bike-related events in Portugal, from Granfondos to casual mountain bike rides, throughout the country. We are seasoned travelers and riders, able to tap into our local knowledge to provide great experiences to our guests.

Our team is composed of dedicated guides and riders. We make sure our guests’ cycling holidays run smoothly and exceed their expectations.
We operate with high end bicycles, be it road or mountain bikes. All our bikes are in excellent condition, of the current year and regularly reviewed by our mechanics. Our road bike and mountain bike fleet is composed of carbon and aluminium frame bicycles of the top-notch brand Scott.

Road - Scott Addict or Scott Addict Disc

On the road, you will be riding a Addict - a lightweight and comfortable carbon bike, designed to help you on the climbs and keep your speed on flat sections. Our Addict bikes come equipped with a full Shimano Ultegra kit, for great performance.
Scott Addict

MTB Mountain bikes - Scott Aspect 910

On our mountain bike tours in Portugal, you'll be riding a Scott Aspect 910. These all-rounder, 29 inch wheel size bikes come equipped with front suspension with suspension lock, for better reaction and comfort. They are perfect for short or long distance rides and even for technical trails, and come equipped with Shimano components for the best cycling experience.
Scott Aspect or Spark 930

Touring - Scott Sub-Cross

For mixed terrain, we equip our Scott Sub-Cross fleet with touring tires, so that you’ll roll easily by the countryside backroads and macadam trails alike. These bikes are equiped with a front suspension remote lock-out and handle bar bags, making them the perfect option for touring enthusiasts
Scott Aspect or Spark 930

E-bikes -Scott E-Scale 930 or Scott E-Ride

Our E-bike fleet is composed of the Scott E-Scale 930 and Scott E-Ride bike models, equipped with 500W Bosch batteries, that will allow you to go great distances and with 250W Bosch motors, to assist you during the toughest climbs! These aluminum framed Scott bikes come equiped with front suspension with lockout.
Scott E-Scale 930
The models of the bikes for your tour might not be the ones here depicted, according to availability. All our bikes are perfectly maintained and are fitted to every rider on your first experience with us. If you have a special bicycle request, please feel free to contact us.

In our bike trips, you’ll also get to use our Garmin Edge 820 GPS device, so you can record and upload all your rides.

In our cycling holidays, you’ll be accompanied by our always present staff and vehicles. They will provide for all the services you need for the best biking experience in Portugal.

At your service, you’ll have a fleet of premium equipped vehicles with several amenities for your comfort.

/Mechanical assistance during the bike tours;
/Luggage and bike transfer between hotels;
/Transfer to and from hotels/airports;
/Premium passenger transport and assistance during the rides, at your disposal;

Bike touring at it's best!

We work with the best hotels and SPA's, to guarantee you full-access to great relaxing experiences and a good night's sleep after your bike tour.

/ Acess to the best SPAs;
/ Free time for sightseeing;
/ Experience adapted to your own pace and holiday style;

We strive to provide our guests with time to relax and immerse into the atmosphere, providing a balance between great activities and well deserved “me time” on your cycling holidays Portugal!

While planning your cycling holidays, our staff may contact you to ask for further details to better design a bike tour more suited to you. However, all our tours are built to adapt to groups with different riding experience, having shorter and longer options. For "expert" riders, we provide additional cycling challenges. On the other hand we invite all our guests to simply hop into our premium equipped vans if they feel so or just enjoy a recovery day without using their bike.



/ I ride my bike on a regular basis, for fitness, commuting or out with friends. I prefer rolling terrain but enjoy reaching my goals and enjoy an active lifestyle. I like to overcome some challenges on my bike, but mostly enjoy the landscapes and atmosphere during group rides.
You will get to ride at your own pace, in moderate distances and hop on our premium van if you so desire or, you can challenge yourself when you feel comfortable! You’ll get to ride in a peloton with like-minded people and always accompanied by our guides. If you want an extra "help" on your rides, you can also request an e-bike.


/ Riding is a great part of my life, and I ride my bike regularly with my friends. I am comfortable with rides of 2 to 3 hours, or even more at a relatively strong pace. I like to be challenged and to surpass obstacles or just ride smoothly in a peloton.
You will get to feel different riding experiences, from tougher climbs to rolling along in great company. You’ll have time to enjoy the great landscapes, gain speed in the descents and also push yourself and climb those tough hills. You’ll enjoy the variety of terrain, riding in a peloton and pushing a little harder just before the stop at the café.


/ I ride my bike an average of 100 kilometres or more per week and enjoy a fast paced ride for an extended period of time. I love to train, improve and be challenged by other riders. I enjoy all riding experiences, from big climbs to long, technical descents, especially the ones that allow me to push my limits and make long lasting memories.
You’ll get to ride in a peloton along with your peers but also challenge them on the long climbs. Lead the pack and take on the special extra-challenges we have in store for you – try to keep up with our guides as you go for the extra mile just before your well deserved rest and massage at the hotel!

Cycling holidays Portugal for all.


Private rides:

If you are looking for a different, exclusive experience, you can make this ride private for your group. Just choose any open trip date, get your group together and contact us to know the private trip listing.

Customized rides

If you represent a group and want to schedule a different date than the ones listed, we are available to customize this and other experiences to better suit your needs and availability. Please contact us for more information.



Our team is composed of portuguese tourist guides and bike riders, in love with our country and proud to present the best landscapes, gastronomy, history, culture and experiences to anyone who chooses to ride in Portugal.

For the last five years, our team has been involved in the making of over 200 bike-related events in Portugal, from Granfondos to casual mountain bike rides, throughout the country. We are seasoned travelers and riders, able to tap into our local knowledge to provide great experiences to our guests.

Our team is composed of dedicated guides and riders. We make sure our guests’ cycling holidays run smoothly and exceed their expectations.


We operate with high end bicycles, be it road or mountain bikes. All our bikes are in excellent condition, of the current year and regularly reviewed by our mechanics. Our road bike and mountain bike fleet is composed of carbon and aluminium frame bicycles of the top-notch brand Scott.

Road - Scott Addict or Scott Addict Disc

On the road, you will be riding a Addict - a lightweight and comfortable carbon bike, designed to help you on the climbs and keep. Our Addict bikes come equipped with a full Shimano Ultegra kit, for great performance.
Scott Addict

MTB Mountain bikes - Scott Aspect 910

On our mountain bike tours in Portugal, you'll be riding a Scott Aspect 910. These all-rounder, 29 inch wheel size bikes come equipped with front suspension with suspension lock, for better reaction and comfort. They are perfect for short or long distance rides and even for technical trails, and come equipped with Shimano components for the best cycling experience.
Scott Aspect or Spark 930

Touring - Scott Sub-Cross

For mixed terrain, we equip our Scott Sub-Cross fleet with touring tires, so that you’ll roll easily by the countryside backroads and macadam trails alike. These bikes are equiped with a front suspension remote lock-out and handle bar bags, making them the perfect option for touring enthusiasts
Scott E-Scale 930

E-bikes -Scott E-Scale 930 or Scott E-Ride

Our E-bike fleet is composed of the Scott E-Scale 930 and Scott E-Ride bike models, equipped with 500W Bosch batteries, that will allow you to go great distances and with 250W Bosch motors, to assist you during the toughest climbs! These aluminum framed Scott bikes come equiped with front suspension with lockout.
Scott E-Scale 930
The models of the bikes for your tour might not be the ones here depicted, according to availability. All our bikes are perfectly maintained and are fitted to every rider on your first experience with us. If you have a special bicycle request, please feel free to contact us.

In our bike trips, you’ll also get to use our Garmin Edge 820 GPS device, so you can record and upload all your rides.



In our cycling holidays, you’ll be accompanied by our always present staff and vehicles. They will provide for all the services you need for the best biking experience in Portugal.

At your service, you’ll have a fleet of premium equipped vehicles with several amenities for your comfort.

/Mechanical assistance during the bike tours;
/Luggage and bike transfer between hotels;
/Transfer to and from hotels/airports;
/Premium passenger transport and assistance during the rides, at your disposal;

Bike touring at it's best!


After a great day outdoors, it's time to relax

We work with the best hotels and SPA's, to guarantee you full-access to great relaxing experiences and a good night's sleep after your hiking is done.

/ Access to the best SPAs;

/ Free time for sightseeing;

/ Experience adapted to your own pace and holiday style;

We strive to provide our guests with time to relax and immerse into the atmosphere, providing a balance between great activities and well deserved “me time” on your walking holidays Portugal!



While planning your cycling holidays, our staff may contact you to ask for further details to better design a bike tour more suited to you. However, all our tours are built to adapt to groups with different riding experience, having shorter and longer options. For "expert" riders, we provide additional cycling challenges. On the other hand we invite all our guests to simply hop into our premium equipped vans if they feel so or just enjoy a recovery day without using their bike.



/ I ride my bike on a regular basis, for fitness, commuting or out with friends. I prefer rolling terrain but enjoy reaching my goals and enjoy an active lifestyle. I like to overcome some challenges on my bike, but mostly enjoy the landscapes and atmosphere during group rides.
You will get to ride at your own pace, in moderate distances and hop on our premium van if you so desire or, you can challenge yourself when you feel comfortable! You’ll get to ride in a peloton with like-minded people and always accompanied by our guides. If you want an extra "help" on your rides, you can also request an e-bike.


/ Riding is a great part of my life, and I ride my bike regularly with my friends. I am comfortable with rides of 2 to 3 hours, or even more at a relatively strong pace. I like to be challenged and to surpass obstacles or just ride smoothly in a peloton.
You will get to feel different riding experiences, from tougher climbs to rolling along in great company. You’ll have time to enjoy the great landscapes, gain speed in the descents and also push yourself and climb those tough hills. You’ll enjoy the variety of terrain, riding in a peloton and pushing a little harder just before the stop at the café.


/ I ride my bike an average of 100 kilometres or more per week and enjoy a fast paced ride for an extended period of time. I love to train, improve and be challenged by other riders. I enjoy all riding experiences, from big climbs to long, technical descents, especially the ones that allow me to push my limits and make long lasting memories.
You’ll get to ride in a peloton along with your peers but also challenge them on the long climbs. Lead the pack and take on the special extra-challenges we have in store for you – try to keep up with our guides as you go for the extra mile just before your well deserved rest and massage at the hotel!

Cycling holidays Portugal for all.
Réservez en toute confiance - Consultez notre politique d'annulation.

Bureaux Européens

Live Love Ride
Avenida Infante D. Henrique, 311
Lisbon - Portugal

Du lundi au vendredi
09h00 à 18h00 GMT

EUR: (+351) 217 590 365 - Appel vers le réseau fixe national portugais

US/CAN: +1 (917) 695-3350

Email: ridewithus @

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